The Cliffs Of Vaucluse - Our Latest Limited Edition Print

The Cliffs Of Vaucluse - Our Latest Limited Edition Print

 live not far from The Studio in Vaucluse. I have lived in the area for five years now. I have always loved the walks around here, The Hermitage nature walk, the walks along the cliffs by the lighthouse. Especially in the afternoon light, when it’s golden, it is a beautiful time. Kids playing sport, owners walking dogs with their ball throwers. A couple on a bench having a takeaway coffee. Some just looking out to the sea or an about turn and to face the harbour. Truly it is one of the most magical parts of our city. The mood can also change drastically. A storm coming in can be watched as it moves in from the ocean. You can watch the lightning bolts and the first rains as they approach, and you know you don’t have long before you will be drenched. On a full moon the lighthouse becomes as silver as the sea. It is a place of great beauty. But it is also a place of darkness. And the stark reminder of that is the police sirens day and night. It is where so many Sydneysiders go to end their lives, jumping off cliffs and onto the brutal rocks and smashing waves below. I have always been fascinated by that juxtaposition. At all times, day and night, with no care for seasons, holidays or weekends, Australians come to end their lives in the same place where I find such natural beauty. And that is what I asked Chloe Hoffman to work on. She lives near the lighthouse at Christison Park, she sees the same beauty as I do each day. She also recognises that juxtaposition. It doesn’t get reported so much in the newspapers. They don’t want you to know how many Australians take their lives each year here. And perhaps for good reason. But every local must know, or must assume it, given the number of police cars with their sirens that pelt up New South Head Road en route for The Gap where it most frequently occurs. The juxtaposition of life and death in the very same place. This is our next silk print
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